Scholarly Publishing at the Crossroads: Collaborations Between Scholars and Librarians

Event Date: 

Thursday, April 28, 2011 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Event Location: 

  • Mary Cheadle Room

Download flyer (.pdf file)

CISM (The Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Music) invites the UCSB community of scholars, students, and librarians to explore the significant crossroads we now reach as the world of publishing (and how we document, publicize, and share research) changes rapidly before us. This sponsored discussion presents an opportunity for dialogue with representatives from the UCSB Library who will share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives on how changes in scholarly publishing impact UCSB and the entire academic community.

To what extent do interdisciplinary approaches to research allow scholars and librarians to capitalize on new opportunities in creative ways? How do we prepare for a new future of circulating and sharing knowledge? What should graduate student scholars expect of their publishing future? What questions should we be asking?

The aim of the event is to:

  • bring interested individuals into dialogue with the librarians
  • learn how librarians are getting involved in curating publications of knowledge and research
  • discuss how graduate students can engage more rapidly in the exchange and dissemination of their work
  • identify how local presentations, conferences, and events of scholarly import might reach faster circulation
  • reflect on new technologies and services.

By opening up dialogue with our librarians, we hope to encourage ongoing collaboration between scholars and librarians, and to re-think their relationship, co-learning as we navigate a new terrain of both diminished funding and outlets for traditional publishing, amidst an altering landscape of publishing opportunities via new technologies and other creative platforms In tapping our librarians' insights, we hope to stir conversation across topics, disciplines, and expertise through an organized exchange between various speakers and the general audience.